Our Partners

We work closely with trusted partners to help ensure the health and safety of the animals in our care:

  • Pocomoke Animal Hospital: Provides all veterinary care for our dogs to ensure they are healthy and ready for adoption.

  • Somerset Dog Control: We partner with Somerset Dog Control to pull dogs from their facility and provide them with a second chance at a loving home.

  • Eastern Shore Regional Animal Control Facility: We also work with Eastern Shore Regional Animal Control to pull dogs in need, giving them an opportunity to find their forever families.

  • Rex’s Animal Rescue: A dedicated partner in Texas that we have assisted with rescue and transport dogs in need, expanding our reach and giving more dogs a chance at a loving home.

  • Delmarva K-9 Dog Training: Offers training to help our dogs that need assistance to develop the proper skills needed to thrive in their new homes.

Lobo: Adopted 2023